I'm an artist just trying to post and share his art around.
I like to draw ladies and Furries in my spare time; Mostly specialize in Shortstacks and Monster Girls, as they tend to be my favorite things to draw.

Age 31, Male

Drawing Boobs

What school...?

In the Mountains

Joined on 12/14/18

Exp Points:
13,541 / 13,600
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Vote Power:
7.68 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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TheGrumpiestPanda's News

Posted by TheGrumpiestPanda - July 16th, 2020


Well, I guess that's cool.

Didn't really think I'd get that many people on this site considering the low traffic.

Well, at least my art seems to get a little more attention here then on Hellscapes like Twitter.


Posted by TheGrumpiestPanda - June 2nd, 2020

Long story short, for anyone using Twitter for any reasons right now, you'd know that doing that is a bad idea thanks to current events.

Twitter has always been cancerous, but this is just on a whole new level.

So, I'm doing the "Cool Kids" trend and making a Pillowfort account.

Everyone is saying "It's Twitter and Tumblr, minus the Drama" and that seemed like a plan to me.

I don't expect anyone to follow me on Pillowfort if they are already following me here.

But, for those who'd like to follow me elsewhere than this site then please feel free.



Posted by TheGrumpiestPanda - December 13th, 2019

Hey guys, remember when Tumblr nuked all NSFW content off of their site last year?

Guess what Twitter is thinking about doing...

So for who is may concern, here is the link to my FurAffinity account.

Sure, you can say I'm overreacting to this, but when the glass floor of Twitter finally breaks beneath me, I want to have a safety net to catch me.

My FurAffinity

Posted by TheGrumpiestPanda - August 6th, 2019

I mean, Tumblr is dead.

DeviantART is a hellhole of children that steal art.

FurAffinity is gross.

InkBunny is worse than FA.

And now Twitter is shadow banning people out of the search results completely.

Like, holy shit, is drawing naked women and titty a fucking crime now?

I can't wait for this prude era of hyper sensitivity to finally die.

I mean, I can understand not being a dick to random people online, but at the same time I don't want to have to constantly walking on eggshells all the goddamn time...

Ugh, rant over.

Guess we better all start getting use to Newgrounds, because I don't think Twitter is going to last much longer at this rate.


Posted by TheGrumpiestPanda - March 27th, 2019

Huh, seems like I got past 50 followers on Newgrounds somehow.

That's neat I suppose.

Been on here for a bit and it doesn't practically seem like my artwork does very well here.

I thought that this massive Tumblr exodus would have bore a bit more fruit.

I know it's probably because I'm not drawing super lewd shit, or taking commission from whoever slaps money in my face.

But knowing how I don't like dealing with these kinds of people, that's not a road I want to go back down again.

Seems like Newgrounds hasn't changed all that much since I was a teenager if porn still reign supreme on this site.

Well, whatever I guess.

I suppose I'll keep posting here anyway.



Posted by TheGrumpiestPanda - December 21st, 2018

Well, that took like a full week, but I finally managed to upload more of my current artwork from last year to the end of this year.
Going to be honest, my time on Newgrounds has been rather decent.
I was expecting to get bum rushed by edgelords prising Shadman as their God King, and downvoting anything that isn't his artwork.
But luckly for me it seem like Newgrounds actually grew up since I last seriously used this site.
And gaining 30 fans in one week isn't a bad trade off for Tumblr going nuclear.

Perhaps Newgrounds will be a good investment after all.


Posted by TheGrumpiestPanda - December 14th, 2018

Well, after thinking it over for a while now, I've made the decition to make an Newgrounds account and started posting here as well.
Tumblr is dying so I moved to Twitter and I like it, but I need to spread my art out just a little bit more.
I quickly found out that sticking to one site isn't a good idea anymore, so I best get use to posting everywhere I suppose.
I'll be uploading my art slowly over here, and hopefully people will like my art and the effort I put into it.