Here is what will hopefully be the last of the "update journals".
Things are going a bit more smoothly now.
Work is... well, work, but whatever, it's a job at a supermarket, so it was never going to be "amazing".
But, it pays the bills, and that's what matters at the end of the day.
We finally moved all of our stuff out of storage, plus the extra stuff that was donated to us
There are still a few things to sort out, but, we'll figure out what to keep and what to give away.
I do have all of my art supplies back, finally.
Not sure when I'm going to start drawing again, as space is becoming an issue.
Plus, finding comfortable places to store said art supplies inside my room to keep clutter to a minimum.
But, I'll figure that out hopefully soon, I'll probably just need to invest in those space makers.
Perhaps finding 2 big ones on wheels that I can slide underneath my bed.
I wish I didn't manage to get sick again, but I guess it was unavoidable with the type of job I have.
I'm just at least happy I don't have to haul boxes on my days off anymore.
So, just wanted to post that here for those that are curious.
Hopefully by the end of the month, I can start drawing again and posting somewhat frequently.
Might not be as frequently as I used to, but, I hope to try to post something maybe once a month, perhaps.
We'll see how this plays out.