I'm an artist just trying to post and share his art around.
I like to draw ladies and Furries in my spare time; Mostly specialize in Shortstacks and Monster Girls, as they tend to be my favorite things to draw.

Age 30, Male

Drawing Boobs

What school...?

In the Mountains

Joined on 12/14/18

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A bit of an off the cuff journal, but I just want to write down my thoughts.

For a while now, I've wanted to focus on some more personal art for the sake of character design.

And while I'm happy with the results, I think that "burnout" of only doing said original works is kicking in.

While I love my most recent pieces, and especially the Dojima Oni Twins, the process of designing, research, and writing character bios can be a bit much if I do it back to back.

Plus, I have a really rotten habit of not drawing said new character designs again after creation.

I've been trying to be better about that, but then I get a new character idea and then another one, and it becomes a vicious cycle.

So, maybe I'll take a break from that for a little while.

I was looking back on my old fan arts, and I had forgotten just how much Pokémon art I've drawn in the past.

I might have fallen out of love with the series due to the "one step forward, two steps back" mentality" with new gimmicks every generation.

Plus, the games themselves, being clearly extremely rushed and buggy messes that can't fail because "it's Pokémon".

But that doesn't mean I still don't have strong attachments to my favorites, and new generational faves.

Been having a real itch to draw my Mewtwo lady; Dolores De Leon again; her design is great in my opinion and I wouldn't mind drawing a simpler, yet still sexy character.

As well as maybe draw some other Nintendo fan art in general, just so I also don't burnout on only doing Sonic fan art.

I guess I shouldn't have gotten so scared of the "Nintendo Ninjas" coming after me, since I'm a very small artist that makes little to no money off commissions.

Nor do I have a Patreon, Ko-Fi, or whatever is the newest and hottest freelancer app for artists.

I'm probably in the clear and don't have to worry about that.

So yeah, a random journal, but I just wanted to jot this down for myself and the very lurkers I have that actually read my journals.

Hope everything is doing well, and has some fun spooky plans for Halloween.